Awe Inspiring Panama Canal / Happy St Andrews Day
Hello everyone, have been at home a week now, the laundry is all done just the ironing to do. Will be heading to Bristol this weekend, meet up with friends, and enjoy the wonderful Christmas Market. Going to be at home for a while, not heading back to work until March, then its off to the greatest place in the world (after Scotland) ..... New Zealand, really looking forward to it. The Panama Canal cruise was great, visited some diverse ports, my favourite was San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua. But the overall experience of transiting the Panama Canal was as always an exciting and interesting day, all the cruise ships that go through, give a narration so no one misses a thing, from the size of the engines on the tugs to the crocodiles bathing in the sun, there is of course at the moment the building of a new super channel that will be able to take the larger ships, it is good to see the work progressing and hopefully will be completed in a few years. I have posted a ...