Finland - Kuusamo

Hei !!! departed Lapland and Rovaniemi at lunchtime, drove south - east first following the Kemijoki (Kemi River) the longest river in Finland at 512 kms. Stopped at a forest area called Auttikongas, to view a waterfall and rapids, lovely weather today some cloud but mainly sunny with a nice breeze. Later arrived at Posio, and the Pentik Pottery, here there is a nice Country Life Museum and a Coffee Cup Museum. Just a short drive then to Kuusamo and our destination. Dinner in the Hotel, Salad Buffet for starter, followed by either Salmon in a cream sauce or Reindeer Meatballs .... all very nice. Well its of to bed now catch you again in a couple of days ... no internet tomorrow night !!!! staying in Nurmes at a Karelian Bomba Village. ( and click on Nurmes. Great place right beside the lake, accommodation is in chalet style wooden huts. Will have some pics for you on Thursday.... Hei hei ...... but to keep you going, I was walking in the woods this afternoon and came across one of the locals ... managed a quick snap !!!!

One of the locals - a friendly brown bear


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