Well home at last, for a few hours anyway to get the washing done, have had a change of work schedule this week, should have been going to Calgary and the Rockies on Sunday but now its California here I come ...... tomorrow morning .... been a hectic day getting paperwork finished for the last tour and getting the paperwork started for the new one .... but hey ho its all work... only downside, flying with Virgin to LA .... then the drive to San Diego .. for 2 nights, that should be nice, hopefully !! catch up again from San Diego, California.
Vietnam and Cambodia - Nha Trang
Hello, well we managed to escape the rain in Hoi An, this morning was torrential when we are at the airport ... but the plane managed to get up up and away ....and we arrived in Nha Trang. ( is a coastal city and capital of Khánh Hòa province , on the South Central Coast of Vietnam . It is bounded on the North by Ninh Hoà district, on the East by the South China Sea , on the South by Cam Ranh town and on the West by Diên Khánh district. The city has about 300,000 inhabitants . Nha Trang is well known for its pristine beaches and excellent scuba diving and is fast becoming a popular destination for international tourists, attracting large numbers of backpackers as well as more affluent travelers on the Southeast Asia circuit. It is already very popular with Vietnamese tourists. Nha Trang Bay is widely considered as amongst the world's most beautiful bays. Tourists are welcome to pa...
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